Chuck Huckelberry Claims RTA Investigation Was the Result of “a Conspiracy Theorist”

Chuck Huckelberry’s “Conspiracy Theorist” We can guess Pima County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry is referring to John Brakey, who caught them fiddling with another bond election last Thursday.  Yesterday they locked the observation room to prevent anyone (especially Brakey) from seeing the monitor that is prominently displayed for the purpose of transparently showing to the public […]

Arizona Voters Sue Secretary of State Ken Bennett Over Barber/McSally Congressional Bid

J.T. Waldron A definitive outcome of Arizona’s District Two congressional race between Democrat Ron Barber and Republican Martha McSally will now depend on the Arizona Supreme Court’s decision to allow a tabulation system that is accurate enough to handle the task. Citizens from a variety of political affiliations have filed a lawsuit on the first of December […]
