Pima County’s EIC Deliberated for Eight Months about the Predicament of Ballot Images Already Destroyed by Pima County Elections


J.T. Waldron Arizona election integrity advocates learned that the biggest lies are found not in the lie itself, but in what was purposefully left out.  They learned this through Pima County and its elections division. Those following Arizona’s infamous election shenanigans may remember the story of how Pima County’s Election Integrity Commission (EIC) spent a […]

In California, Ballots from Likely Clinton Voters Were Counted First While Unaudited Sanders-heavy Batches Came in Later

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J.T. Waldron After painstaking construction of spreadsheet data comparing batches of California 2016 Primary Election ballots counted from election day until now, elections expert John Brakey has found a pattern that is consistent with a technique that is aptly named the “strip, stack and hack” approach to election fraud. Brakey believes California election officials, in […]

ITS OUT! Part 6 – How the heist works, wholesale election fraud!


6 – Middlemen, Inside Access and the Manipulation Script – A fractional voting framework is treacherous because it can be scaled to run across multiple jurisdictions very quickly. False results precisely mimic known patterns to appear plausible. In the demonstration we performed, Smith’s one-size-fits-all utility showed that a person without any programming skills at all […]

Specious Claim of 7.2 Million Double Voters Used to Purge Voter Roles

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Writer Greg Palast, author of the best selling titles “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy” and “Billionaires and Ballot Bandits” reveals how Republican operatives use a specious claim that 7.2 million people have voted twice. The motive is to purge legitimate voters from the roles. Palast is well known for pointing out Florida’s purge of […]
